Rear Seat Headrest Handle

About this product

The Rear Seat Headrest Handle (#71984-60010-E1), an essential auto part from Toyota Autoparts, serves a key role within the Seat & Seat Track system. This handle allows for the adjustment of the seat's headrest, enhancing passenger comfort and safety during a ride. As the handle is engaged, it unlocks the headrest, enabling it to move in a vertical direction for optimal positioning. However, with frequent use and time, the Rear Seat Headrest Handle (#71984-60010-E1) may need replacement due to wear and tear. A worn-out handle impedes headrest adjustment, potentially compromising on passenger safety and comfort. Hence, replacing it with a genuine Toyota part not only boosts vehicle compatibility but also comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Rear Seat Headrest Handle (#71984-60010-E1)'s function plays a subtle yet significant role in the safety and comfort of the vehicle's seating system.